July 20
How the human brain thinks in stories
Behavioral psychology tells us that if we want to influence people, we shouldn’t let rationality get in the way of a good story
July 17
My site has been nominated for a CSS Design Award!
Will I join the pantheon of web success stories or be annihilated, my ashes left to float in the darkness?
June 29
Good execution is more valuable than great creative
Chasing brilliance jeopardizes projects more than it should
April 1
How to reduce the complexity and cost of a new website
Proven strategies to improve the chances of delivering a quality site on time
March 26
Mobile websites expensive, but no longer optional
Google’s new, zero-tolerance policy for websites without a mobile-optimized view changes the question from if to how
March 21
What I learned expanding my studio and failing miserably
With more work than I could handle myself I expanded my business, hired staff, and shot for the stars. Then it all came crashing down.
March 16
Randomness as originality
HTC’s Robert Downey Jr. ads for the new M9 come from nowhere. Do they stay there?
March 10
Your client isn't from hell
Improving your relationships with clients by looking inward
March 1
Unknown Unknowns
Understanding problems more than solutions